Quake III Arena Performance- Quaver


Unlike in previous benchmarks, quaver no longer kills the 32 MB GeForce cards. This is due to the use of 5.16 drivers during testing. These drivers allow for S3TC compression when in Quake III, thus texture swapping is no longer an issue because a full frame can fit in memory. The maximum performance gain is 65% when at 1280x1024x16 compared to a GeForce DDR, showing how the GeForce 2 GTS remains king of the hill. When overclocked this difference jumps to a rather large 74% increase in speed.

The quaver map is an example of one of the most stressful scenarios in Quake III Arena, making it a good place to judge maximum playable resolution. Many have their own option of what the minimum frame rate of a game should be, but subjectively about 50 FPS is adequate for the vast majority of users. With this in mind we see that Quake III Arena can easily be played on a GeForce 2 GTS at 1024x768x32 (with excessive speed) and can almost hit 1280x1024x32. At 44.3 FPS at 1280x1024x32, some items may appear a slight bit jumpy, however in the majority of cases the card should perform fine. The FPS jumps even higher when overclocked and 1280x1024x32 becomes even more accessible with a FPS speed of 49.2. At 1280x1024x32, Quake III Arena looks great, making the GeForce 2 GTS even more appealing.

Quake III Arena Performance- demo001 Unreal Tournament Performance
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