This is proof that UnrealTournament is extremely limited initially as a benchmark. At 640 x 480 there should (theoretically) be no limitations acting on the game from a video card standpoint, yet the performance of all of the cards generally falls in a very small range (with the exception of a few outliers such as the Viper II running in D3D mode which is just due to bad D3D drivers).

Once again, there is very little of a performance difference between the previous generation TNT2 Ultra/Voodoo3 and the Voodoo4/5 until you move to 32-bit color which doesn't make a huge difference in UT in the first place.


Even at 1024 x 768 you can get away with running a TNT2 and having a fun UnrealTournament experience.

UnrealTournament Performance UnrealTournament - Athlon 750 (cont)
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